International Summer School in Affective Sciences (ISSAS’ 2012)
from August 22 to 29 at the Château de Bossey (an 18th-century manor house located in an outstanding natural environment overlooking Lake Geneva and the French Alps)
This year the central topic of the summer school is “Art, Aesthetics and the Emotions”, organized by the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (SCAS).
The scientific program for 2012 comprises (i) plenary lectures in which leading scholars from different disciplines who have made crucial contributions in the area will present the conceptual foundations of their approach, their methodological procedures, recent results, and their ideas on promising future perspectives, and (ii) practical workshops in which students will discuss key topics of interest in the domain and become familiar with various research methodologies. Throughout the course of the summer school, students will work in groups with the help of the faculty to design a research project that will be presented and discussed with the plenary on the last day.
The varied program and its hands-on orientation make ISSAS 2012 highly attractive to young researchers from different disciplines. In addition, they will enjoy an opportunity to form strong professional ties with each other, as well as with the invited faculty members. They can use these contacts to build a substantial scientific network even at an early stage in their careers.
More information (including the application procedure) can be found on the ISSAS 2012 website: