A műfaji film bibliográfiája
Alapvetõ irodalom magyar nyelven:
Ardai Zoltán: Fába szorult lélek. (Pinokkió-filmek) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 34–36.
Beregi Tamás: Csillagok mágiája. A Star Wars-trilógia. Filmvilág 1999/9. pp. 54–55.
Beregi Tamás: Hol volt, hol nem lesz. (A fantasy film világképe) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 18–25.
Beregi Tamás: A metamorfózis erdeje. Filmvilág 2005/12.
Fantasy-összeállítás. Filmtett 2006/8. (október) pp. 14–28.
Király Jenõ: A film második gyerekkora. (Szupermenek és terminátorok) Filmvilág 1992/3. pp. 4–13.
Király Jenõ: A fantasztikum poétikája. In: Király: Frivol múzsa II. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1993. pp. 515–610.
Kömlõdi Ferenc: Démonok és hobbitok. (Peter Jackson: A Gyûrûk Ura) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 26–27.
Sobchak, Vivian: A fantasztikus film. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (szerk.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998.
Varga Zoltán: A fantasy varázsvilága. Filmtett 2006/8. (október) pp. 14–19.
Ajánlott irodalom:
Brooker, Will: Using the force: creativity, community, and Star Wars fans. New York: Continuum, 2002.
Fantasy and the cinema. Ed.: Donald, James. London: BFI Pub., 1989.
Fantasy girls: gender in the new universe of science fiction and fantasy television. Ed.: Helford, Elyce Rae. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.
Frank, Alan G.: The science fiction and fantasy film handbook. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1982.
Galbraith, Stuart: Japanese science fiction, fantasy, and horror films: a critical analysis of 103 features released in the United States, 1950-1992. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1994.
Galbraith, Stuart: Monsters are attacking Tokyo!: the incredible world of Japanese fantasyfilms. Venice, CA: Feral House, 1998.
Galipeau, Steven A.: The journey of Luke Skywalker: an analysis of modern myth and symbol. Chicago: Open Court, 2001.
Gordon, Andrew: Star Wars: A Myth for Our Time. In: Eds.: Martin, Joel W. – Ostwalt, Conrad E., Jr.: Screening the Sacred: Religion, Myth, and Ideology in Popular American Film. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. pp. 73-82.
Gordon, Andrew: You'll Never Get Out of Bedford Falls: The Inescapable Family in American Science Fiction and Fantasy Films. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 1992. nyár. pp. 2–9.
Holston, Kim R.: Science fiction, fantasy, and horror film sequels, series, and remakes: an illustrated filmography, with plot synopses and critical commentary. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1997.
Iaccino, James F.: Jungian reflections within the cinema: a psychological analysis ofsci-fi and fantasy archetypes. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998.
Lentz, Harris M.: Science fiction, horror and fantasy film and television credits. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1983.
Norden, Martin F.: America And Its Fantasy Films: 1945-1951. Film & History 1982/1. pp. 1–11.
Senn, Bryan: Fantastic cinema subject guide: a topical index to 2500 horror, sciencefiction, and fantasy films. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1992.
Shadows of the magic lamp: fantasy and science fiction in film. Eds.: Slusser, George – Rabkin, Eric S. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1985.
Sherman, Fraser A.: Cyborgs, Santa Claus, and Satan: science fiction, fantasy, and horrorfilms made for television. Jefferson, N.C.:McFarland, c2000.
Weaver, Tom: Science fiction and fantasy film flashbacks: conversations with 24 actors, writers, producers, and directors from the golden age. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1998.
Weisser, Thomas: Japanese cinema encyclopedia. The horror, fantasy, and scifi films. Miami, Fla.: Vital Books; Asian Cult Cinema Publications, 1997.
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