A műfaji film bibliográfiája





Alapvetõ irodalom:

Anderson, Lindsay: About John Ford. London: Plexus, 1981.

Bazin, André: A western avagy a par excellence amerikai filmmûvészet. In: Berkes Ildikó (ed.): A western. Antológia. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1980. pp. 12–18.

Bazin, André: A western fejlõdése. In: Király Jenõ (ed.): Film és szórakozás. pp. 146–154.

Berkes Ildikó (ed.): A western. Antológia. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum.

Berkes Ildikó: A western. Budapest: Gondolat, 1986.

Buscombe, Edward: A western. In: Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. pp. 294–303.

Buscombe, Edward: The Searchers. London: BFI, 2000. (FSZEK)

Buscombe, Edward (ed.): The BFI Companion to the Western. New York: Atheneum, 1988.
Deleuze, Gilles: A mozgás-kép. Budapest: Osiris, 2001. pp. 195–199., 221–223.

Gyárfás Endre: Bölénynyúzók. A vadnyugat népköltészete és a westernfilm. Filmvilág 1983/11. pp. 36–41.

Hahner Péter: Hatlövetû történelem. Western: legendák és tények. Filmvilág 2004/5. pp. 30–37.

Hahner Péter: Az idegen belovagol a városba… Anthony Mann westernjei. Filmvilág 2006/3. pp. 10–15.

Jarmusch, Jim: Te, szegény fehér ember. Filmvilág 2006/3. pp. 8–9.

Király Jenõ: Apropó western… In: Király Jenõ (ed.): Film és szórakozás. Mokép – Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1981. pp. 155–236.

Király Jenõ: Terror és kultúra. In: Király: Mágikus mozi. Mûfajok, mítoszok, archetípusok a filmkultúrában. Budapest: Korona Kiadó, 1998. 118–143.

Keogh, Peter: A westernhõs színeváltozásai. Beszélgetés Clint Eastwooddal. Filmvilág 2005/5. p. 9.

Mauriac, Claude: A cowboy mitológiája. In: Kenedi János (ed.): Írók a moziban. Budapest: Magvetõ, 1971. pp. 375–377.

Milne, Tom: Western. The Aurum Film Encyclopedia. London: Aurum Press, 1983. (FSZEK)

Nevelõs Zoltán: Rosszak és csúfak. Eurowestern. Filmvilág 2004/7. pp. 26–31.

O’Neill, Edward R.: Clint Eastwood. In: Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. 488–489.

Pápai Zsolt: Hardcore vadnyugat. Sam Peckinpah westernfilmjei. Filmvilág 2004/6. pp. 46-49.

Scorsese, Martin: A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1997. (FSZEK)

Szántai János: A western története. Filmtett 2001/10, 11, 12.

Tyler, Parker: A ló – a férfierõ totemállata. In: Berkes Ildikó (ed.): A western. Antológia. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1980. pp. 18–20.

Weddle, David: Sam Peckinpah – If They Move, Kill ‘Em! Faber and Faber, 1994. Magyarul részletek: Vad bandák. Sam Peckinpah – a megreformált vadnyugat. Filmvilág 2004/5-9.

Wenders, Wim: Ennyi az egész: szín-helyek, szín-játszók, színt-vallók. In: Wenders: Írások, beszélgetések. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. pp. 8–12.

Wright, Will: A hatlövetû és a társadalom. In: Berkes Ildikó (ed.): A western. Antológia. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1980. pp. 20–52.




Ajánlott irodalom magyar nyelven:

Báron György: Két férfi, aki… (John Ford: Aki megölte Liberty Valance-t) Filmvilág 2004/10. pp. 42–45.

Géczi Zoltán: A komponista, aki lelõtte az éneklõ cowboyt. Morricone westernzenéi. Filmvilág 2004/7. pp. 32–33.

Géczi Zoltán: A civilizáció peremvidékén. (Anthony Mann: A férfi Laramie-ból) Filmvilág 2004/8. pp. 40–41.

Géczi Zoltán: Öt hosszú év a pokolban (John Ford: Az üldözõk) Filmvilág 2004/10. pp. 46–47.

Hahner Péter: Az ismeretlen ismerõs (Howard Hawks) Filmvilág 2004/10. pp. 32–41.

Kovács Marcell: Türelemjáték. Monte Hellman indie-westernjei. Filmvilág 2004/12. pp. 17–19.

Kubiszyn Viktor: Közösség elleni izgatás. (Fred Zinnemann: Délidõ) Filmvilág 2004/7. pp. 34–35.

Kubiszyn Viktor: A névtelen ember. Clint Eastwood, a desperado. Filmvilág 2005/5. pp. 4–8.

Nevelõs Zoltán: Spagetti a havon. (Sergio Corbucci: A halál csöndje) Filmvilág 2004/8. pp. 42–43.

Pápai Zsolt: Sírfelirat. (John Ford: Aki megölte Liberty Valance-t) Filmvilág 2002/6. pp. 56.

Pápai Zsolt: Téli álom. (Robert Altman: McCabe és Mrs. Miller) Filmvilág 2003/11. p. 49.

Turcsányi Sándor: Oh, te drága Clementina… Út a technowesternig. Filmvilág 1996/2. pp. 52–56.

Varga Zoltán: A vadnyugat sikolya. (Western-thriller) Filmvilág 2004/8. pp. 36–39.


Ajánlott irodalom:

Blake, Michael F.: Code of honor: the making of three great American westerns: High Noon, Shane, and The Searchers. Lanham, MD; New York; Oxford: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2003.

Buscombe, Edward: Back in the saddle again: new essays on the western. London: British Film Institute, 1998.

Cawelti, John G. The Six-Gun Mystique. Bowling Green OH: Bowling Green State University Press, 1971.

Corkin, Stanley: Cowboys as cold warriors: the western and U.S. history. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004.

Coyne, Michael: The Crowded Prairie: American National Identity in the Hollywood Western. London; New York: I.B. Tauris, 1997.

Davis, Robert Murray: Playing Cowboys: Low Culture and High Art in the Western. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.

Everson, William K: A Pictorial History of the Western Film. Secaucus, New Jersey: The Citadel Press, 1969.

Everson, William K: The Hollywood Western: 90 years of cowboys, Indians, train robbers, sheriffs and gunslingers and assorted heroes and desperados. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992.

Eyles, Allen: The Western. London, 1975.

Frayling, Christopher: Spaghetti westerns: cowboys and Europeans from Karl May to Sergio Leone. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.

French, Philip: Westerns: aspects of a movie genre. London: Secker & Warburg/BFI, 1977.

French, Peter A.: Cowboy metaphysics: ethics and death in westerns. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997.

Hitt, Jim: The American West from fiction (1823-1976) into film (1909-1986). Jefferson, NC; London: McFarland, 1990.

Hughes, Howard: The pocket essential spaghetti westerns. Harpenden, Herts: Pocket Essentials, 2001.

Hyams, Jay: The life and times of the Western movie. Bromley, Kent: Columbus, 1983.

Kiehn, David: Broncho Billy and the Essanay Film Company. New York: Farwell Books, 2003.

Kitses, Jim: Horizons west: Anthony Mann, Budd Boetticher, Sam Peckinpah: studies of authorship within the western. London: Thames & Hudson, 1969.

Kitses, Jim – Rickman, Gregg: The Western Reader. New York: Limelight Editions. 1998.

Kitses, Jim: Horizons west: directing the western from John Ford to Clint Eastwood: New ed. London: British Film Institute, 2004.

Lackman, Ron: Women of the western frontier in fact, fiction and film. Jefferson, NC; London: McFarland. 1997.

Loy, R. Philip: Westerns in a changing America, 1955-2000. Jefferson, NC; London: McFarland. 2004.

Matthews, Leonard: History of western movies. New York: Crescent Books, 1984.

Maynard, Richard A: The American west on film: myth and reality. New Rochelle, NJ: Hayden Book Company, 1974.

Meyer, Wiliam R: The making of great westerns. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1979.

Mitchell, Lee Clark: Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Nachbar, John G.: Western Films: An Annotated Critical Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1975.

Nachbar, John G. – Donath, Jackie – Foran, Chris. Western Films II: An Annotated Critical Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.

Newman, Kim: How the West was Found, Won, Lost, Lied About, Filmed and Forgotten. London: Bloomsbury, 1990.

Parks, Rita: The western hero in film and television: mass media mythology. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1982.

Parish, James Robert – Pitts, Michael R: The great Western pictures. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1976.

Saunders, John: The western genre: from Lordsburg to Big Whiskey. London; New York: Wallflower, 2001.

Seydor, Paul (ed.): Peckinpah: the Western Films – a Reconsideration. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1997.

Simmon, Scott: The Invention of the Western Film: a cultural history of the genre's first half-century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Slotkin, Richard: Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of Frontier in Twentieth Century America. New York: Atheneum, 1992.

Smith, Andrew B: Shooting Cowboys and Indians: silent western films, American culture, and the birth of Hollywood. Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2003.

Stanfield, Peter: Hollywood, westerns and the 1930s: the lost trail. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2001.

Stanfield, Peter: Horse Opera: the strange history of the 1930s singing cowboy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002.

Tompkins, Jane: West of everything: the inner life of westerns. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Turner, Ralph Lamar: The cowboy way: the Western leader in film, 1945-1995. Westport, CT; London: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Tuska, Jon: The filming of the west. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976.

Tuska, Jon: The American West in Film: Critical Approaches to the Western.Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.

Wright, Will: Sixguns and Society: A Structural Study of the Western. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Yoggy, Gary A.: Back in the saddle: essays on Western film and television actors. Jefferson, NC; London: McFarland, 1998.





Alapvetõ irodalom:

Bazin, André: Charlie Chaplin. In: Bazin: Mi a film? Budapest: Osiris, 1999. pp. 155–224.

Bendazzi, Giannalberto: Woody Allen. Pécs: Alexandra, 1997.

Kerr, Walter: The Silent Clowns. New York: Knopf, 1975.

Lahue, Kalton C.: World of Laughter. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966.

Montgomery, John: Comedy Films: 1894–1954. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1954.

Paul, William: Laughing, Screaming. Modern Hollywood Horror and Comedy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. (FSZEK)

Robinson, David: Buster Keaton. London: Secker and Warburg, 1969.

Robinson, David: The Great Funnies: A History of Film Comedy. London: Studio Vista, 1969.

Robinson, David: Chaplin. His Life and Art. London: Collins, 1985.

Robinson, David: Vígjátékok. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. pp. 80–89.

Szalay Károly: A geg nyomában. Budapest: Magvetõ, 1972.

Szalay Károly: Chaplin. Budapest: Gondolat, 1978.

Szalay Károly: Mai magyar filmvígjáték: Beteljesülések és elszalasztott lehetõségek.

Budapest: Magvetõ, 1978.

Szalay Károly: Jacques Tati. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1982.



Ajánlott irodalom magyar nyelven:

Ádám Péter: Tizenegy dollár. (Billy Wilder) Filmvilág 2001/5. pp. 40–41.

Bikácsy Gergely: Idióták a családban. Chaplin, Keaton, Tati. Filmvilág 1990/6. pp. 16–20.

Bikácsy Gergely: Világegyetem, Kaucsuksarok. (Tati: Playtime) Filmvilág 1998/4. pp. 50–52.

Bóna László: Felebohócok. Filmvilág 2000/1. pp. 45–49.

Buglya Zsófia: Komikum a dokumentumfilmben. Pergõ Képek 20-21. pp. 39–54.

Földényi F. László: A gépírólány esete a filmrendezõvel. (Mauritz Stiller modernsége) Filmvilág 1993/8. pp. 30–34.

Karátson Gábor: Buster Keaton még csak száz éves. Filmvilág 1996/4. pp. 36–41.

Kovács Ilona: A gondola alakú hamutartó. Ernst Lubitsch filmvígjátékai. Filmvilág 1984/4. pp. 22–29.

Köves Gábor: A talált zseni (Preston Sturges-portré) Filmvilág 2006/2. pp. 38–39.

Molnár Gál Péter: Buster Keaton, Beckett bohóca. Filmvilág 1980/6. pp. 27–29.

Molnár Gál Péter: Így élni jó! Frank Capráról. Filmvilág 1991/11. 34–35.

Molnár Gál Péter: Fõúr, kérek egy táncost! (Billy Wilder) Filmvilág 2002/6. pp. 42–44.

Molnár Gál Péter: Bolond világ. A Marx-fivérek. Filmvilág 2006/4. pp. 40–41.

Takács Ferenc: Az élet õsze. Monty Python avagy a hülyéskedés diadala. Filmvilág 1990/8. pp. 38–43.

Vaskó Péter: Honderû. Új filmvígjátékok. Filmvilág 2006/4. pp. 9–12.




Ajánlott irodalom:

Babington, Bruce – Evans, Peter William: “Affairs to Remember: The Hollywood Comedy of Sexes.” Manchester England: Manchester University Press, 1989.

Beach, Christopher: Class, Language, and American Film Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. (FSZEK)

Byrge, Duane – Miller, Robert Milton: The Screwball Comedy: A History and Filmography, 1934–1942. Jefferson North Carolina: McFarle Co., 1991.

Capra, Frank: The Name Above the Title. New York: Macmillian Co., 1971.

Cavell, Stanley: Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.

Fowkes, Katherine A.: Giving Up the Ghost. Spirits, Ghosts and Angels in Mainstream Comedy Films. Detroit, 1998

Gehring, Wes D.: Romantic vs. Screwball Comedy: charting the difference. Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002.

Harvey, James: Romantic Comedy in Hollywood, from Lubitsch to Sturges. New York: Knopf, 1987.

Heller, Heinz-B.– Steinle, Matthias (Hg.): Filmgenres: Komödie. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2005

Horton, Andrew S. (ed.): Comedy/Cinema/Theory. Berkley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1991.

Jenkins, Henry – Karnick, Kristine Brunovska (Eds.): Classical Hollywood Comedy. New York: Routledge, 1995.

Jenkins, Henry: What Made Pistachio Nuts? Early Sound Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic. NY: Columbia University Press, 1992.

Krutnik, Frank (Ed.): Hollywood Comedians. The Film Reader. London: Routledge, 2003.

Kendall, Elizabeth: The Runaway Bride: Hollywood Romantic Comedy of the 1930s. New York: Alfred R. Knopf, 1990.

King, Geoff: Film Comedy. London: Wallflower Press, 2002.

Krautz, Alfred (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Film Directors in the United States of America and Europe, Vol.I: Comedy Films to 1991. München: K. G. Saur Verlag, 1994.

Langman, Larry: Encyclopedia of American film comedy. Garland Science,1987.
Mast, Gerald: The Comic Mind: Comedy and the Movies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.

Mather, Nigel: Tears of laughter. Comedy-drama in 1990s British cinema. Manchester: UP, 2005.

Miller, Blair. American Silent Film Comedies: an illustrated encyclopedia of persons, studios, and terminology. McFarland and Co,1995.

Nachman, Gerald: Seriously Funny. The Rebel Comedians of the 1950s and 1960s. New York: Pantheon, 2003.

Ott, Frederick: The Films of Carole Lombard. Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1973.

Orth, Stefan – Valentin, Joachim– Zwick, Reinhold (Hg.): Göttliche Komödien. Religiöse Dimensionen des Komischen im Kino. Köln, Marburg 2001.

Paul, William: The Impossibility of Romance: Hollywood Comedy, 1978-99. In: Neale, Steve (Ed.): Genre and Contemporary Hollywood. London: British Film Institute, 2002. pp.117-129.

Rickman, Gregg: The Film Comedy Reader. Limelight Editions, 2004.

Siegel, Scott – Siegel, Barbara: American film comedy. Macmillan General Reference,1994.

Sikov, Ed: Laughing Hysterically. American Screen Comedy of the 1950s. New York: Columbia Univeristy Press, 1994.

Vineberg, Steve: High Comedy in American Movies. Class and Humor from the 1920s to the Present. Lanham/MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005

Winokur, Mark: American Laughter. Immigrants, Ethnicity, and 1930s Hollywood Film Comedy. Palgrave: London, 1996.

Witte, Karsten: Lachende Erben, Toller Tag. Filmkomödie im Dritten Reich. Berlin, 1995.




Történelmi film


Történelmi film

(háborús film, történelmi eposz)


Ajánlott irodalom magyar nyelven:

Schubert Gusztáv: A vad szem (Gladiátor) Filmvilág 2000/7. pp. 19–22.

Vaskó Péter: Szép halál (G. I. Joe moziba megy) Filmvilág 2003/4. pp. 17–23.


Ajánlott irodalom:

Aberth, John: A Knight at the Movies. Medieval History on Film. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Aldgate, Anthony: Britain Can Take It: The British Cinema in the Second World War. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1994.

Ansen, David: Hollywood goes to war. Newsweek Dec. 3. 2001. pp. 68-71.

Babington, Bruce – Evans, Peter William: Biblical Epics. Sacred Narrative in the Hollywood Cinema. Manchester, 1993.

Baker, M. Joyce: Images of Women in Film: The War Years, 1941-1945. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1980.

Basinger, Jeanine: The World War II Combat Film: Anatomy of a Genre. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.

Beumers, Birgit: Myth-Making and Myth-Taking: Lost Ideals and the War in Contemporary Russian Cinema. Canadian Slavonic Papers-Revue Canadienne des Slavistes. 2000/1-2. pp. 171-89.

Bohn, Thomas W.: An Historical and Descriptive Analysis of the "Why We Fight" Series. New York: Arno Press,1977.

Britain and the Cinema During the Second World War. Ed.: Taylor, Philip M. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988.

Campbell, Craig W.: Reel America and World War I: A Comprehensive Filmography and History of Motion Pictures in the United States, 1914-1920. Campbell.Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985.

Carnes, Mark C.: World War I: five films. In: (ed.): Ted Mico, John: Past imperfect: history according to the movies. New York: H. Holt, 1995.

Chapman, James: The British at war: cinema, state, and propaganda, 1939-1945London; New York, N.Y.: I.B. Tauris Publishers; New York, N.Y.: Distributed by St. Martin's Press, 1998.

Chapman, James: Cinema, Propaganda and National Identity: British Film and the Second World War. In: Ashby, Justine – Higson, Andrew (eds.): British cinema, past and present. London; New York, NY: Routledge, 2000. pp. 193-206.

Christensen, Terry: The 1940s: Hollywood Goes to War. In: Projecting politics: political messages in American film. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2005.

Chung, Hye Seung: From Saviors to Rapists: G. I.s, Women, and Children in Korean War Films. Asian Cinema.2001/1. pp. 103-16.

Coultass, Clive: Images for Battle: British Film and the Second World War, 1939-1945. Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1989.

Cullen, Jim: The Civil War in Popular Culture: A Reusable Past.Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.

Daniel, Joseph: Guerre et Cinema; Grandes Illusions et Petits Soldats, 1895-1971. Paris: A. Colin, 1972.

Davenport, Robert Ralsey: The Encyclopedia of war movies: the authoritative guide to movies about wars of the twentieth century. New York: Facts On File/Checkmark Books, 2004.

Dick, Bernard F.: The Star-Spangled Screen: the American World War II Film. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

Doherty, Thomas Patrick: Projections of War: Hollywood, American Culture, and World War II. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Donald, Ralph: From 'Knockout Punch' to 'Home Run:' Masculinity's 'Dirty Dozen' Sports Metaphors in American Combat Films." Film and History 2005/1. pp. 20-28.

Dolan, Edward F.: Hollywood Goes to War. Twickenham: Hamlyn, 1985.

Donald, Ralph R.: Masculinity and machismo in Hollywood's war films. In: Craig, Steve (ed.): Men, masculinity, and the media. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1992.

Eberwein, Robert: As a Mother Cuddles a Child': Sexuality and Masculinity in World War II Combat Films. In: Lehman, Peter (ed.): Masculinity: bodies, movies, culture. New York: Routledge, 2001. pp. 149-66.

Elley, Derek: The epic film: myth and history. London; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984.

Film and the First World War. Ed.: Dibbets, Karel – Hogenkamp, Bert. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1995.

The First World War and popular cinema: 1914 to the present. Ed.: Paris, Michael. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2000.

Fyne, Robert: The Hollywood Propaganda of World War II. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994.

Gates, Philippa: 'Fighting the Good Fight': The Real and the Moral in the Contemporary Hollywood Combat Film. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 2005/4. pp. 297-310.

Gheorghiu-Cernat, Manuela: Arms and the Flm: War-and-Peace in European Films. Bucharest: Meridane, 1983.

Hodgkins, John: In The Wake Of Desert Storm: A Consideration Of Modern World War II Films.Journal of Popular Film and Television 2002/2. pp. 74-84.

Hoopes, Roy: When the Stars Went to War: Hollywood and World War II. New York: Random House, 1994.

Isenberg, Michael T.: War on Film: the American Cinema and World War I, 1914-1941. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1981.

Jancovich, Mark: Dwight Macdonald and the Historical Epic. In: Tasker, Y. (ed.): Action and Adventure Cinema. London, 2004. pp. 84–100.

Junkelmann, Marcus: Hollywoods Traum von Rom. Gladiator und die Tradition des Monumentalfilms. Mainz, 2004.

Kane, Kathryn: Visions of War: Hollywood Combat Films of World War II. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1982.

Klossner, Michael: The Europe of 1500-1815 on film and television. A worldwide filmography. Jefferson, 2002.

Koppes, Clayton R.: Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies. New York: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1987.

Koppes, Clayton R.: Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Korte, Barbara: The Grandfathers' War: Re-Imagining World War I in British Novels and Films of the 1990s. In: Cartmell, Deborah – Hunter, I.Q. – Whelehan, Imelda (eds.): Retrovisions: reinventing the past in film and fiction. London; Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press, 2001. pp. 120-34

Landon, Philip J.: From cowboy to organization man: the Hollywood war hero, 1940-1955. Studies in Popular Culture 1989/1. pp. 28-41.

Lentz, Robert J.: Korean War filmography: 91 English language features through 2000. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2003.

Linder, Ann P.: Great War Narratives into Film: Transformation, Reception, and Reaction. International Fiction Review, 2001/1-2. pp. 1-12.

Linville, Susan E.: History Films, Women, and Freud’s Uncanny. Austin Texas, 2004.

Manvell, Roger: Films and the Second World War. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes [1974].

McAdams, Frank: The American war film: history and Hollywood. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002.

Michel, Sonya: Danger on the home front: motherhood, sexuality, and disabled veterans in American postwar films. In: Cooke, Miriam – Woollacott, Angela (eds): Gendering war talk. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993.

Montgomery, Garth: "Realistic" war films in Weimar Germany: entertainment as education. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 1989/2. pp. 115-133.

Past Imperfect. History according to the Movies. Ed.: Carnes, Mark C. New York, 1995

Preston, Catherine: 1942: Movies and the March to War. In: American cinema of the 1940s : themes and variations. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2006.

Propaganda, Politics, and Film, 1918-45. Ed.: Pronay, Nicholas – Spring, D.W. London: Macmillan Press, 1982.

Rattigan, Neil: The Last Gasp of the Middle Class: British War Films of the 1950s. In: Dixon, Wheeler Winston (ed.): Re-viewing British cinema, 1900-1992: essays and interviews. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. pp. 143-53.

Renov, Michael: Hollywood's Wartime Woman: Representation and Ideology. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1988.

Rollins, Peter C.: America, World War II, and the movies: an annotated booklist. Film & History 1997/1-4. pp. 96-107.

Rubin, Steven Jay: Combat films: American realism, 1945-1970. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1981.

Sarris, Andrew: The War Film. In: Sarris, Andrew: "You ain't heard nothin' yet": the American talking film, history & memory, 1927-1949. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Shewring, Anne L.: We Didn't Do That Did We? Representation of the Veteran Experience. Journal ofAmerican & Comparative Cultures. 2000/4. pp. 51-66.

Shull, Michael S.: Doing Their Bit: Wartime American Animated Short Films, 1939-1945. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1987.

Shull, Michael S.: Hollywood war films, 1937-1945: an exhaustive filmography of American feature-length motion pictures relating to relating to World War II. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1996.

Simone, Sam: Hitchcock As Activist: Politics and the War Films. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1985.

Sklar, Robert: Film and World War II. In: Film: an international history of the medium. New York: H.N. Abrams, 1993.

Smith, Gary Allen: Epic Films. Casts, Credits and Commentary on Over 350 Historical Spectacle Movies. Jefferson NC, 2004.

Suid, Lawrence H.: Guts & glory: the making of the American military image in film. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002.

Suid, Lawrence H.: Stars and stripes on screen : a comprehensive guide to portrayals of American military on film. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2005.

Virilio, Paul: Guerre et cinema. Paris: Editions de l'Etoile: Diffusion, Seuil, 1984.

Virilio, Paul: War and cinema: the logistics of perception.London; New York: Verso, 1989.

War and film in America: historical and critical essays. Ed.: Matelski Marilyn J. – Street Lynch, Nancy. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2003.

The War Film. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2005.

Wyke, Maria: Projecting the Past. Ancient Rome, Cinema and History. London & New York: Routledge, 1997.


Science fiction


Science fiction


Alapvetõ irodalom:

Beregi Tamás: A sci-fi, mint modern mítosz. Filmkultúra 1995/8. pp. 21–16.

Beregi Tamás: Testgubó és szuperegó. Filmvilág 2000/5. pp. 20–23.

Beregi Tamás: Homo Chimpansiensis. Filmvilág 2001/11. pp. 36–39.

Beregi Tamás: Álommátrix – ébrenlétnarkózis. Filmvilág 2003/6. pp. 18–20.

British Science Fiction Cinema. Ed.: Hunter, I. Q. London; New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1999. (FSZEK)

Bukatman, Scott: A mesterséges végtelen. A trükkfelvételekrõl és a fenségesrõl. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 10–26.

Glass, Fred: Az emlékmás és az Új Rossz Jövõ filmjei. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt. Tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 121–137.

Kiss Gábor Zoltán: Ideologikus és mûfaji mutációk. Az Alien-sorozat. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 58–65.

Kiss Miklós: “Mintha beakadna Isten bakelitlemeze”. Idõutazásos filmek narratív vizsgálata. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 28–38.

Király Jenõ: A fantasztikum poétikája. In: Király: Frivol múzsa II. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1993. pp. 515–610.

Király Jenõ: A film második gyermekkora. Filmvilág 1992/3. pp. 4–9.

Király Jenõ: Rovareposzok. Filmvilág 2000/4. pp. 25–29.

Neale, Steve: “Ez csak egy kibaszott vicc lehet!” Tudás, hit és ítélet a tudományos-fantasztikus mûfajban. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 48–56.

Schubert Gusztáv: A selejt bosszúja. Filmvilág 2001/8. pp. 4–10.

Science-fiction. Metropolis 2003/2.

Sobchack, Vivien: A fantasztikus film. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória Kiadó, 1998. pp. 323–331.

Sontag, Susan: A pusztulás képei. In: Sontag: A pusztulás képei. Budapest: Európa, 1972. pp. 238–261.

Suvin, Darko: A science fiction poétikája. Helikon 1972/1. pp. 43–54.

Szilágyi Ákos: Énhúzás a fejorvosnál. (Paul Verhoeven: Az emlékmás) Filmvilág 1991/8. pp. 28–32.

Szilágyi Ákos: Happykalipszis. Filmvilág 2001/2. pp. 32–35.

Telotte, J. P.: A fantázia megkettõzései és a vágy tere. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 40–47.

Varga Zoltán: Robottest és emberlélek. A populáris film variációi az ember/gép problematikára. Pannonhalmi Szemle 2006/2. pp. 115–125.

Varró Attila: Sifré-kódexek. Filmvilág 1999/11. pp. 26–30.

Varró Attila: Mûfajtörténet: A science fiction. Filmtett 2001/9–12. no. 9. pp. 28–31.; no. 10. pp. 27–32.; no. 11. pp. 27–31.; no.12. pp. 28–31.

Varró Attila: Sci-fi történet évszámokban. Metropolis 2003/2. pp. 66–87.

Varró Attila: A harmadik törvény. Filmvilág 2004/10. pp. 4–9.



Ajánlott mûfajtörténeti mûvek:

Allan, Vicky – Bachley, Ben – Felperin, Leslie – James, Nick: Cloning the Future. Science Fiction Films 1895–1996. London: British Film Institute, 1996.

Ash, Brian (ed.): The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. London: Pan, 1977.

Atkins, Thomas R.: Science Fiction Films. New York: Monarch Press, 1976.

Baxter, John: Science Fiction in the Cinema. London: The Tantivy Press, 1970.

Bouyxou, Jeanne-Pierre: La science fiction au cinema. Paris: Union Generale d’Editions, 1971.

Brosnan, John: The Primal Screen. A History of Science Fiction Film. New York: Orbit, 1991.

Edelson, Edward: Visions of Tomorrow. New York: Doubleyday, 1975.

Frank, Allan: Sci-Fi Now. London: Octopus, 1978.

Gasca, Luis: Cine y ciencia-ficción. Barcelona: Libres de Sinera, 1969.

Gifford, Dennis: Science Fiction Film. London: Studio Vista/Dutton Pictureback, 1971.

Gunn, James (ed.): The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. London, 1988.

Hahn, Ronald – Jansen, Volker: Lexikon der Science Fiction Film. München, 1983.

Hardy, Phil: Science Fiction – The Aurum Film Encyclopedia. London: Aurum Press, 1995.

Harry, Bill: Heroes of the Spaceways. London, Omnibus Press, 1981.

Hutchinson, Tom: Horror and Fantasy in the Movies. New York: Studio Vista, 1974.

Lundwall, Sam: A jövõ emlékei. Metagalaktika 7. Budapest: Kozmosz Könyvkiadó, 1987.

Manchel, Frank: Great Science Fiction Films. New York/London: Franklin Watts, 1976.

Menningen, Jürgen: Filmbuch Science Fiction. Schauberg: Verlag M. DuMont, 1975.

Menville, Douglas: A Historical and Critical Survey of the Science Fiction Film. New York: Arno Press, 1975.

Menville, Douglas: Things to Come. An Illustrated History of the Science Fiction Film. New York: Times Books, 1977.

Nicholls, Peter (ed): The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. London: Granada, 1979.

Nicholls, Peter: Fantastic Cinema. London: Ebury Press, 1984.

Parish, James Robert – Pitts, Michael: The Great Science Fiction Pictures. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

Pickard, Roy: Science Fiction in the Movies. London: Frederick Muller, 1978.

Rottensteiner, Franz: The Science Fiction Book. An Illustrated History. London: Thames and Hudson, 1975.

Rovin, Jeff: A Pictorial History of Science Fiction Films. New York: Citadel Press, 1975.

Sobchack, Vivien: The Limits of Infinity. The American Science Fiction Film. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1980.

Sternberg, Jacques: Une succursale du fantastique nommée science fiction. Paris: Le Terrain Vague, 1978.

Strick Philip: Science Fiction Movies. London: Octopus, 1976.

Tuck, Donald H.: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Chicago: Advent Publishers, Inc., 1974.

Von Gunden, Kenneth – Stock, Stuart H: Twenty All-Time Great Science Fiction Films. New York: Arlington House, 1982.


Ajánlott tanulmánykötetek:

Allen, David: Science Fiction Reader’s Guide. New York: Centennial Press, 1974.

Baxter, John: Science Fiction in the Cinema. London: Zwemmer, 1970.

Brosnan, John: Future Tense. The Cinema of Science Fiction. New York: St. Martin Press, 1979.

Coyle, William: Aspects of Fantasy. Greenwood Press, 1981.

Edelson, Edward: Visions of Tomorrow. Great Science Fiction from the Movies. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1975.

Hellman, Christian: Der Science Fiction Film. München, 1983.

Johnson, William (ed.): Focus on the Science Fiction Film. New York: Prentice Hall, 1972.

Kuhn, Annette (ed.): Alien Zone. Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1990.

Kuhn, Annette (ed.): Alien Zone II. The Spaces of Science-Fiction Cinema. London: Verso, 1999.

Landon, Brooks: The Aesthetics of Ambivalence. Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Lenne, Gérard: Le cinéma fantastique et ses mythologies. Paris, 1970.

Parish, James Robert: The Great Science Fiction Pictures. New York: Scarecrow, 1977.

Pickard, Roy: Science Fiction in the Movies. An A–Z. New York, 1978.

Pohl, Frederik: Science Fiction Studies in Film. New York: Ace, 1981.

Seesslen, Georg: Kino des Utopischen. Hamburg: Reinbek, 1983.

Seymour, Simon: Mad Scientists, Weird Doctors and Time Travellers in Movies, TV and Books. New York: Lippincott, 1981.

Siegel, Richard – Saures J. C: Alien Creatures. Los Angeles: Reed Books, 1978.

Slusser, George – Rabkin, Eric (ed.): Shadows of the Magic Lamp. Fantasy and Science Fiction in Film. Southern Illinois University Press, 1985.

Sobchack, Vivien: Screening Space. The American Science Fiction Film. Rutgers University Press, 1987.

Suvin, Darko – Mullen, R. D. (ed.): Science Fiction Studies. Selected Articles on Science Fiction. New York: Greg Press, 1973–1975.

Telotte, J. P.: A Distant Technology. Science Fiction Film and the Machine Age. London: Wesleyan, 1999.

Telotte, J. P.: Science Fiction Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Weil, Claudius – Seesslen, Georg: Kino des Phantastischen. München, 1976.

Wright, Gene: The Science Fiction Image. New York: Colombus Books, 1983.


Ajánlott mûfaj guide-ok

Barron, Neil: Anatomy of Wonder. A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. Third Edition. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1987.

Benson, Michael: Vintage Science Fiction Films 1896–1949. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 1985.

Burgess, Michael: Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1992.

Gerani, Gary – Schulman, Paul H.: Fantastic Television. New York: Harmony Books, 1977.

Lee, Walt: Reference Guide to Fantastic Films. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror 1–3. London: Chelsea-Lee Books, 1972–1974.

Manchel, Frank: An Album of Great Science Fiction Films. New York – London: Franklin Watts, 1976.

O’Neill, James: Sci-Fi on Tape. A Complete Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy on Video. London, 1995.

Pringle, David: The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction. An A-Z of Science-Fiction Books by Title. Scolar Press, 1995.

Senn, Bryan – Johnson, John: Fantastic Cinema Subject Guide. A Topical Index to 2,500 Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Films. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 1992.

Stanley, John: Creature Feature. New York: Boulvard Books, 1997.

Strickland A. W.: A Reference Guide to American Science Fiction Films. T. I. S. Publications Division, 1981.

Willis, Donald: Horror and Science Fiction Films: A Checklist. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1972.

Willis, Donald (ed.): Variety’s Complete Science Fiction Review. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1985.


Ajánlott cikkek, tanulmányok magyar nyelven:

Balogh Tibor: A földöntúli disszonanciája. Világosság 1975/3. pp. 168–170.

Barotányi Zoltán: Ûristenek alkonya. Filmvilág 1998/5. pp. 26–30.

Francis, Arnold: Ezen a világon kívül. Filmkultúra 1963/ 7–8. pp. 127–136.

Gera György: Mire alkalmas a sci-fi? Filmkultúra 1969/4. pp. 46–50.

Gyõri Zsolt: Virtualitás 2001 (Filmes virtuális valóságok). Filmtett 12 (2001) pp. 15–19.

Havas Fanny: Sci-fi mesék á la americain. Filmkultúra 1985/12. pp. 18–20.

Hirsch Tibor: A nagy zárójel. Filmkultúra 1991/3. pp. 12–18.

Hodgens, Richard: A sci-fi film tragikus és rövid története. In: Kuczka Péter (ed.): A holnap meséi. Budapest: Kossuth, 1973. pp. 141–157.

Kuczka Péter: A science fiction változása. Filmkultúra 1976/2. pp. 73–82.

Kagarlickij, Jurij: Fantasztikus irodalom, színpad, film. Galaktika 18. pp. 83–93.

Kóczián János: Sci-fi és video. Galaktika 71. pp. 56–60.

Kóczián János: A fantasztikus film három arca. Galaktika 62. pp. 76–80.

Kömlõdi Ferenc: Káoszlakó. Filmvilág 1995/11. pp. 6–9.

Kömlõdi Ferenc: Új-Tokió 2019. Filmvilág 1997/4. pp. 37–38.

Kuczka Péter: Film és fantázia. Filmvilág 1967/16. pp. 22–25.

Kuczka Péter: A science fiction film változásai. Filmkultúra 1976/2. pp. 73–82.

Kuczka Péter: Sci-fi vagy mûvészet? Filmvilág 1972/13. pp. 21–23.

Levy, Donnis: A fantasztikum: a krízis mûfaja. Filmkultúra 1974/5. pp. 91–92.

Magyar Bálint: Science fiction és az emberiség jövõje. In: Magyar: Az amerikai film. Budapest: Gondolat, 1974. pp. 322–324.

Mamber, Stephen: Mechanikus narancs. Metropolis 2002/2. pp. 70–82.

Matos Lajos: A valószínûtlen lehetséges. Filmvilág 1984/1. pp. 13–21.

Mersich Gábor: Üzenetek az abszolút szellem korából. Filmvilág 2002/1. pp. 26–29.

Rajnai András: Az elektronikus mûvészet és a sci-fi. Galaktika 7. pp. 59–64.

Schubert Gusztáv: Virtuálfrász. Filmvilág 2003/7. pp. 4–7.

Szántó Erika: Mi a fantasztikus? Filmvilág 1969/16. pp. 9–11.

Szentmihályi Szabó Péter: Science-fiction a moziban. Galaktika 1. pp. 51–57.

Szentmihályi Szabó Péter: Újabb sci-fi filmek. Galaktika 16. pp. 120–124.

Tillman J. A.: Látszatra élet, valójában halál. Filmkultúra 1991/3. pp. 10–12.

Urbán Mária: A nõ a fantasztikus filmben. Filmkultúra 1985/8. pp. 77–80.

Zsugán István: Jövõbeli históriák. Filmvilág 1972/2. p. 30.



Sci-fi.hu – http://www.sf.hu/

SciFlicks.com – http://www.sciflicks.com/

Scifispace – http://www.scifispace.com/

Temporal Anomalies in Popular Time Travel Movies – http://www.mjyoung.net/time/

Scifi-movies.com – http://www.scifi-movies.com

The Sci-Fi Movie Page – http://members.tripod.com/ scifimoviepage/index.html

Scifimovies – http://www.scifimovies.com/

Science Fiction Films – http://www.filmsite.org/sci-fifilms.html

Scifilm – http://www.scifilm.org/

Science Fiction World – http://www.sfworld. onlinehome.de

Science Fiction in Movies and TV – http: //www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/2976/SF2-intro.html

About Sci-Fi Movies – http://scifimovies.about. com/mbody.htm

SF Cinema on the Web – http://www.geocities.com/ Hollywood/Lot/2976/SF_FilmResources.HTML

ClassicSciFi.Com – http://Classicscifi.com

Top 50 Sci-Fi Films – http://www.imdb.com/Charts/ Votes/sci-fi/

Universe Guide – http://www.universeguide.com/

Absolute Sci-Fi – http://www.geocities.com/ absolutescifi

Sci-Fi Movies – http://www.geocities.com/giorgos333





Magyarul hozzáférhetõ alapvetõ mûvek:

Altman, Rick: A film és a mûfajok. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. pp. 284–286.

Altman, Rick: Újrafelhasználható csomagolás. Mûfaji termékek és az újrafeldolgozási folyamat. In: Metropolis 1999/3. pp. 12–33.

Casetti, Francesco: A film és a kultúra: a mûfaj az archetípusok és a rituálék között. In: Casetti: Filmelméletek 1945–1990. Budapest: Osiris, 1998. pp. 251–255.

Grodal, Torben: A fikció mûfajtipológiája. In: Kovács András Bálint – Vajdovich Györgyi (eds.): A kortárs filmelmélet útjai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2004. pp. 320–355.

Gunning, Tom: “Nagyon finom teveszõr ecsettel rajzolták”: a filmes mûfajok eredetei. In: Kovács András Bálint – Vajdovich Györgyi (eds.): A kortárs filmelmélet útjai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2004. pp. 273–291.

Király Jenõ: Mágikus mozi. Mûfajok, mítoszok, archetípusok a filmkultúrában. Budapest: Korona, 1998.

Neale, Steve: Mûfajkérdések. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. Tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 12–44.


További ajánlott olvasmányok:

Andrew, Dudley J.: Mûfajok és szerzõk értékelése. In: Metropolis 1999/3. pp. 34–50.

Brown, Nick (ed.): Refiguring American Film Genres. History and Theory. Berkley–Los Angeles–London: Univeristy of California Press, 1998.

Cawelti, John G.: A népszerû mûfajok problémája. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. Tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 57–73.

Easthope, Antony: Gondolatok a mûfajról. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. Tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 45–56.

Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): The Film Genre Reader. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.

Gunning, Tom: Nonkontinuitás, kontinuitás, diszkontinuitás: a korai filmek mûfajainak elmélete. In: Kovács András Bálint – Vajdovich Györgyi (eds.): A kortárs filmelmélet útjai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2004. pp. 304–319.

Király Jenõ: Bevezetés a népszerû filmkultúra vizsgálatába. In: Király Jenõ (ed.): Film és szórakozás. Budapest: MOKÉP–Magyar Filmintézet és Filmarchívum, 1981. pp. 3–50.

Király Jenõ: Frivol múzsa I-II. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1993.

Neale, Steve: Genre. London: BFI, 1980.

Piotrovszkij, A.: A filmmûfajok elméletéhez. In: A film poétikája. Filmmûvészeti Könyvtár 58. Budapest: Magyar Filmtudományi Intézet és Filmarchívum, 1978. pp. 175–209.

Réz András: A beépülés modelljei: Adalékok a mûfaji film elméletéhez. In: Király Jenõ (ed.): Film és szórakozás. Budapest: MOKÉP–Magyar Filmintézet és Filmarchívum, 1981. pp. 111–145.

Wright, Judith Hess: A zsánerfilmek és a status quo. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. Tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 76–88.


Folyóirat különszámok

Iris no. 20.

CinémAction 1993/68.

Persistence of Vision 1986/3–4.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 1985/2.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 1985/3.

Journal of Popular Film & Television 1985/4.

Film Comment 1982/2. pp. 33–47.

Literature/Film Quarterly 1982/3.



Könyvek, tanulmányok

Alloway, Lawrence: The Iconography of the Movies. Movie 1963/7. pp. 4–6.

Altman, Charles F.: Towards a Theory of Genre Film. In: Lawton, Ben–Staiger, Janet (eds.): Film: Historical-Theoretical Speculations. II. Pleasantville, NY.: Redgrave, 1977. pp. 31–43.

Altman, Rick: A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre. Cinema Journal 1984/3. pp. 6–18.

Beauchamp, M.: T’as d’beaux genres, tu sais... 24 images 1990/47. pp. 27–28.

Bennett, Tony–Boyd-Bowman, Susan–Mercer, Colin–Woolacot, Janet (eds.): Popular Television and Film: A Reader. London: BFI, 1981.

Berry, Chris–Spigel, Lynn: The SCS in Pittsburgh. On Film 1984/12. pp. 42–44.

Bourget, Jean-Loup: Social Implications in the Hollywood Genres. Journal of Modern Literature 1973/2. pp. 191–200.

Braudy, Leo: Film Genre: A dialogue – The thirties, the forties. Post Script 1982/3. pp. 27–29.

Brophy, Philip (ed.): Stuffing, Film: Genre. Northcote: Stuff Publication, 1987.

Buscombe, Edward: The Idea of Genre in the American Cinema. Screen 1970/2. pp. 33–45.

Carroll, Noël: The Paradox of Junk Fiction. Philosophy and Literature 1994/2. pp. 225–241.

Casetti, Francesco: Les genres cinématographiques: quelques problemes de méthode. Ça cinéma 1979/18.

Cawelti, John G.: The Question of Popular Genres. Journal of Popular Film & Television 1985/2. pp. 55–61.

Cawelti, John G.: The Concept of Formula in the Study of Popular Culture. Journal of Popular Culture 1969/3. pp. 381–390.

Cohen, Ralph: Do Postmodern Genres Exist? Genre 1987/3–4. pp. 241–257.

Collins, Jim: Genericity in the Nineties: Eclectic Irony and the New Sincerity. In: Collins, Jim–Radner, Hilary–Preacher Collins, Ava: Film Theory Goes to the Movies. New York – London: Routledge, 1993. pp. 242–263.

Collins, Jim: When the Legend Becomes Hyperconscious, Print the… In: Collins, Jim: Architectures of Excess. New York–London: Routledge, 1995. pp. 125–156.

Collins, Richard: Genre: A Reply to Ed Buscombe. Screen 1970/4–5. pp. 66–75.

Corner, John: Meaning, Genre, and Context: The Problematics of “Public Knowledge” in the New Audience Studies. In: Curran, James–Gurewitch, Michael (eds.): Mass Media and Society. London: Edward Arnold, 1995.

Cunningham, Stuart: Hollywood Genres, Australian Movies. In: Moran, Albert–O’Regan, Tom (eds.): An Australian Film Reader. Sydney: Curreny Press, 1985. pp. 235–241.

De Cordova, Richard: Genre and Performance: An overview. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. pp. 129–139.

Deinstfrey, Harris: Hitch Your Genre to a Star. Film Culture 1964/34. pp. 35–37.

Dolmark, J.: Belezke k zsanru. Ekran 18 1981/4–5. pp. 23–26.

Durgnat, Raymond: Up Jumped the Devil, or, The Jack-in-Pandora’s Box: Can The Witches of Eastwick De-spook Genre Theory? Monthly Film Bulletin 1987/644. pp. 265–268.

Durgnat, Raymond: Genre: Populism and Social Realism. Film Comment 1975/4. pp. 20–29.

Dvorák, J.: Filmy v radach. Film a Doba 1983/1. pp. 31–34.

Eberwein, Robert T.: Genre and the Writerly Text. Journal of Popular Film and Television 1985/2. pp. 62–68.

Feuer, Jane: Genre Study and Television. In: Allen, Robert C. (ed.): Channels of Discourse, Reassembled: Television and Contemporary Criticism. London: Routledge, 1992. pp. 138–159.

Gledhill, Christine: Genre. In: Cook, Pam (ed.): The Cinema Book. London: BFI, 1985. pp. 58–64.

Grant, Barry K. (ed.): Film Genre: Theory and Criticism. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

Grant, Barry K.: Impressionism and Ideology: The State of Recent Film Genre Criticism. Canadian Review of American Studies 1983/1. pp. 107–118.

Grant, Barry K.: Film Genre: An Updated Bibliography. Literature/Film Quarterly 1982/3. pp. 188–199.

Grant, Barry K.: Tradition and the Individual Talent: Poetry in the Genre Film. In: Conger, Syndy M.– Welsch, Janice R.: Narrative Strategies: Original Essays in Film and Prose Fiction. Macomb IL.: Western Illinois University Press, 1981. pp. 93–103.

Grant, Barry Keith: Experience and Meaning in Genre Films. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: Texas University Press, 1986. pp. 114–128.

Grodal, Torben: Moving Pictures. A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings and Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Harris, K. M.: American Film Genres and Non-American Films: A Case Study of Utu. Cinema Journal 1990/2. pp. 36–59.

Hess, John: History, Politics, Style, and Genre. Jump Cut 1988/33. pp. 30–37.

Hietala, Veijo: Mahdoton avioliitto? Genreteorija ja snomalaien elokuves. Filmihullu 1989/3. pp. 4–9.

Hodsdon, Barrett: Genre: A Review. Cinema Papers 1974. Dec. pp. 338–341.

Hutchings, Peter: Genre Theory and Criticism. In: Hollows, Joanne–Jancovich, Mark (eds.): Approaches to Popular Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995.

Jenkins, H.: The Amazing Push-Me/Pull-You… Wide Angle 8 1986/3–4. pp. 35–44.

Joskevics, J.: Za szociologijata na zsanrovete. Kinoizkusztvo 1973/12. pp. 49–57.

Kaminsky, Stuart M.–Mahan, J. H.: American Television Genres. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1985.

Kaminsky, Stuart: American Film Genres: Approaches to a Critical Theory of Popular Film. Dayton OH.: Pflaum–Standard, 1974.

Klinger, Barbara: ‘Cinema/Ideology/Criticism’ – The Progressive Text. Screen 1984/1. pp. 30–44.

Klinger, Barbara: ‘Cinema/Ideology/Criticism’ Revisited: The progressive genre. In: Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Film Genre Reader. Austin: Texas University Press, 1986. pp. 74–90.

Knee, A.: Liquid Sky, Repo Man and Genre. Wide Angle 8 1986/3–4. pp. 101–113.

Kolbenschlag, M. C.: Resources: Film And the American Experience. Jump Cut 1975/6. pp. 16–21.

Kolker, Robert P.: Film Genre: A dialogue – the eighties. Post Script 1982/3. pp. 30–32.

Kozlov, Leonyid: O zsanrovüh obscsnosztjah i oszobennosztyah. Iszkussztvo kino 1978/11. pp. 120–135.

Landrum, Larry N.: Recent Work in Genre. Journal of Popular Film and Television 1985/3. pp. 151–158.

Lavoie, André: En genre et un nombre. Ciné-Bullets 1994/1. pp. 57–58.

Lehmann, P.–Mitchell, E.–Hoekzema, L.: American Film Genre: An Interview with John Cawelti. Wide Angle 1978/2. pp. 50–57.

Lohmann, H.: Die Erschliessung der Filmspezifik durch filmisches Erzählen und durch Genrewertung. Filmwissenschaftliche Beiträge 1972/2. pp. 112–135.

Longhurst, Derek (ed.): Gender, Genre, and Narrative Pleasure. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Lukow, Gregory–Ricci, Steven: The ‘Audience’ Goes ‘Public’: Intertextuality, Genre, and the Responsibilities of Film Literacy. On Film 1984/12. pp. 28–36.

Marabello, C.: Le lecrine e la forme. Segnocinema 1987/30. pp. 38–42.

Mayer, Geoff: Formula and Genre, Myths and Patterns. Australian Journal of Screen Theory 1978/4. pp. 59–65.

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Kaland- és akciófilm


Kaland- és akciófilm


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Varró Attila: A Kép és a Szörny. A klasszikus horrorfilm mozgóképi önreflexiója. Metropolis 2006/1. pp.110–123.



Ajánlott irodalom angol nyelven:

Derry, Charles: Dark Dreams: a Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film. South Brunswick: A. S. Barnes, 1977.

Dika, Vera: Games of Terror: Halloween, Friday the 13th, and the films of the stalker cycle. Rutherford, N.J./London: Associated University Presses, 1990.

Fischer, Dennis: Horror Film Directors 1931–1990. Jefferson N.C.: McFarland, 1991.

Flynn, John L.: Cinematic Vampires: The Living Dead on Film and Television, from the Devil’s Castle (1896) to Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992). Jefferson, N.C./London: McFarland, 1992.

Freeland, Cynthia: Feminist Frameworks for Horror Films. In: Bordwell, David – Carroll, Noël (eds.): Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. pp. 195–218.

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Gagne, Paul: The Zombies That Ate Pittsburgh: The Films of George A. Romero. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1987.

Gifford, Dennis: A Pictoral History of Horror Movies. London: Hamlyn, 1977.

Grant, Barry Keith (ed.): Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1984.

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Hutchison, Tom: Horror and Fantasy in the Movies. New York: Crescent Books, 1974.

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Leffler, Yvonne: Horror as Pleasure: The Aesthetics of Horror Fiction. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 2000.

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British Horror Films – http://www.britishhorrorfilm.co.uk

Classic Horror – http://classic-horror.com

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Horror.lap – http://www.horror.lap.hu

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The 100 Scariest Movie Scenes – http://www.retrocrush.com/scary

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Film noir





Alapvetõ irodalom:

Ardai Zoltán: Emberünk a fõcsõben. (Raymond Chandler) Filmvilág 2000/9. pp. 32–36.

Berkes Ildikó – Nemes Károly: A bûnügyi film. Budapest: Uránusz, 2001.

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Hardy, Phil: Bûnügyi filmek. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. pp. 314–322.

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Kovács András Bálint: A domináns férfi alkonya (A postás mindig kétszer csenget) Filmvilág 1998/4. pp. 10–12

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Kovács Marcell: Mélysötét. (Anthony Mann film noirjai) Filmvilág 2006/3. pp. 16–17.

Kömlõdi Ferenc: Álmodsz, aztán meghalsz (William Irish) Filmvilág 2000/9. pp. 36–39.

Köves Gábor: Film noir: A fekete széria. Filmtett 2002/19-20-21.

Kubiszyn Viktor: A félelem csak álom. (Charles Laughton: A vadász éjszakája) Filmvilág 2004/3. pp. 47–49.

Kubiszyn Viktor: A halál kék angyala (Jean-Pierre Melville: A szamuráj) Filmvilág 2004/4. pp. 36–37.

Muller, Eddie: Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1998. Magyarul részletek: Sötét város (A film noir elveszett világa) Filmvilág 2000/8. pp. 28–35.; Sötét város (A film noir elveszett világa 2) Filmvilág 2000/9. pp. 40–47.

Place, J. L. – Peterson, L. S.: Some Visual Motifs of Film noir. In: Bill Nichols (ed.): Movies and Methods: An Anthology. Berkeley–Los Angeles–London: University of California Press, 1976. pp. 325–336.

Schrader, Paul: Notes on Film Noir. In: Film Genre Reader II. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995. Magyarul: Piszkos világszínpad. (Jegyzetek a film noirról) Filmvilág 2001/4. pp. 40–43.

Schubert Gusztáv: A detektívek bûne (Rekviem a film noirért) Filmvilág 2001/4. p. 39.

Scorsese, Martin: A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1997. (FSZEK)

Simsolo, Noël: Le film noir: vrais et faux cauchemars. Paris: Cahiers du cinéma, 2005. (FSZEK)

Varró Attila: Walker, mon amour (John Boorman: Point Blank) Filmvilág 2003/7. pp. 16–19.

Varró Attila: A Hatlövetû jegyében (Film noir: menekülõ szerelmesek) Filmvilág 2005/1. pp. 12–16.



Ajánlott irodalom:

Abbott, Megan E.: The street was mine: white masculinity in hardboiled fiction and film noir. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Agostinelli, Alessandro: Una filosofia del cinema americano: individualismo e noir. Pisa: ETS, 2004.

Arthur, Paul: The Gun in the Briefcase: Or, the Inscription of Class in Film Noir. In: David E. James, Rick Berg (eds.): The Hidden Foundation: Cinema and the Question of Class. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. pp. 90-113.

Arthur, Paul: Murder's Tongue: Identity, Death, and the City in Film Noir. In: J. David Slocum (ed.): Violence and American cinema. New York: Routledge, 2001. pp. 153-75.

Biesen, Sheri Chinen: Blackout: World War II and the origins of film noir. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2005.

Bondebjerg, Ib: Danish film noir: style, themes and narration. In: Lennard Hejbjerg & Peter Schepelern (eds.): Film style and story: a tribute to Torben Grodal. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003.

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Bould, Mark: Film noir: from Berlin to Sin City. London; New York: Wallflower, 2005.

Buhle, Paul: Politics and mythology of film art: the noir era. In: Paul Buhle, Dave Wagner (eds): Radical Hollywood: the untold story behind America's favorite movies. New York: New Press, 2002.

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Butler, David: Jazz noir: listening to music from Phantom lady to The last seduction. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2002.

Chopra-Gant, Mike: Hollywood genres and postwar America: masculinity, family and nation in popular movies and film noir. London; New York: I.B. Tauris Pub., 2006.

Christopher, Nicholas : Somewhere in the Night: Film Noir and the American City. New York: Free Press, 1997.

Cochran, David: America Noir: underground writers and filmmakers of the postwar era.Washington [D.C.]: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000.

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Davis, Blair: Horror meets noir: the evolution of cinematic style, 1931-1958. In: Steffen Hantke (ed.): Horror film: creating and marketing fear. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

Dickos, Andrew: Street with no name: a history of the classic American film noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, c2002.

Dimendberg, Edward: Film noir and the spaces of modernity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004.

Dixon, Wheeler Winston: The Endless embrace of Hell: Hopelessness and betrayal in film noir. In: Murray Pomerance (ed.): Cinema and modernity. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2006.

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Film Noir Reader. Eds.: Alain Silver, James Ursini. New York: Limelight Editions, 1996.

Film Noir Reader 2. Eds.: Alain Silver & James Ursini. New York: Limelight Editions, 1999.

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Karimi, Amir Massoud: Toward a Definition of the American Film Noir (1941-1949). New York: Arno Press, 1976.

Keaney, Michael F.: Film noir guide: 745 films of the classic era, 1940-1959. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2003.

Krutnik, Frank: In a Lonely Street: Film Noir, Genre, Masculinity. London; New York: Routledge, 1991.

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Luhr, William: Raymond Chandler and Film. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press; 1991.

Lyons, Arthur: Death on the cheap: the lost B movies of film noir. [New York]: Da Capo Press, 2000.

Martin, Richard: Mean Streets and Raging Bulls: The Legacy of Film Noir in Contemporary American Cinema. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1997.

Maxfield, James F.: The Fatal Woman: Sources of Male Anxiety in American Film Noir, 1941-1991. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1996.

Menegaldo, Gilles: Flashbacks in Film Noir. In: Francois Gallix, Vanessa Guignery (eds.): Crime fictions: Subverted codes and new structures. Paris: Presses de l'universite Paris-Sorbonne, 2004.

Muller, Eddie: The art of noir: the posters and graphics from the classic era of film noir.Woodstock: Overlook Press, 2002.

Muller, Eddie: Dark city dames: the wicked women of film noir. New York: Regan Books, 2001.

Naremore, James: More Than Night: Film Noir in its Contexts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Naremore, James: Hitchcock at the Margins of Noir. In: Richard Allen, S. Ishii-Gonzales (eds.): Alfred Hitchcock: Centenary Essays. London: British Film Institute, 1999. pp: 263-77

Ottoson, Robert: A Reference Guide to the American Film Noir, 1940-1958. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1981.

Palmer, R. Barton: Hollywood's Dark Cinema: the American Film Noir. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1994.

Phillips, Gene D.: Creatures of darkness: Raymond Chandler, detective fiction, and film noir. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2000.

The philosophy of film noir. Ed.: Mark T. Conard. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2006.

Place, Janey: Women in film noir. In: Tony Bennett (ed.): Popular fiction: technology, ideology, production, reading. London; New York: Routledge, 1990. Popular fiction series.

Reichert, Tom – Melcher, Charlene: Film noir, feminism, and the femme fatale: the hyper-sexed reality of Basic instinct. In: Marian Meyers (ed.): Mediated women: representations in popular culture. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1999.

Renzi, Thomas C.: Cornell Woolrich: from pulp noir to film noir. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2006.

Rich, Nathaniel: San Francisco noir: the city in film noir from 1940 to the present. New York: Little Bookroom, 2005

Richardson, Carl: Autopsy: An Element of Realism in Film Noir. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992.

Sarris, Andrew: The Film Noir. In: "You ain't heard nothin' yet": the American talking film, history & memory, 1927-1949. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Schwartz, Ronald: Neo-noir: the new film noir style from Psycho to Collateral. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2005.

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Sobchack, Vivian: Lounge Time: Postwar Crises and the Chronotope of Film Noir. In: Nick Browne (ed.): Refiguring American Film Genres: History and Theory. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. pp: 129–70

Spicer, Andrew: Film noir. Harlow, England; New York: Longman/Pearson Education, 2002.

Stephens, Michael L.: Film Noir: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Reference to Movies, Terms, and Persons. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1995.

Telotte, J. P.: Voices in the Dark: The Narrative Patterns of Film Noir. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989.

Tuska, John: Dark Cinema: American Film Noir in Cultural Perspective. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984.

Wager, Jans B.: Dames in the driver's seat : rereading film noir. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.

Wager, Jans B.: Dangerous Dames: Women and Representation in the Weimar Street Film and Film Noir. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1999.

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Zizek, Slavoj: The Thing That Thinks: The Kantian Background of the Noir Subject. In: Joan Copjec (ed.): Shades of Noir: A Reader. London; New York: Verso, 1993; pp: 199-226.





Alapvetõ irodalom magyar nyelven:

Ardai Zoltán: Fába szorult lélek. (Pinokkió-filmek) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 34–36.

Beregi Tamás: Csillagok mágiája. A Star Wars-trilógia. Filmvilág 1999/9. pp. 54–55.

Beregi Tamás: Hol volt, hol nem lesz. (A fantasy film világképe) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 18–25.

Beregi Tamás: A metamorfózis erdeje. Filmvilág 2005/12.

Fantasy-összeállítás. Filmtett 2006/8. (október) pp. 14–28.

Király Jenõ: A film második gyerekkora. (Szupermenek és terminátorok) Filmvilág 1992/3. pp. 4–13.

Király Jenõ: A fantasztikum poétikája. In: Király: Frivol múzsa II. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1993. pp. 515–610.

Kömlõdi Ferenc: Démonok és hobbitok. (Peter Jackson: A Gyûrûk Ura) Filmvilág 2002/2. pp. 26–27.

Sobchak, Vivian: A fantasztikus film. In: Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (szerk.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998.

Varga Zoltán: A fantasy varázsvilága. Filmtett 2006/8. (október) pp. 14–19.


Ajánlott irodalom:

Brooker, Will: Using the force: creativity, community, and Star Wars fans. New York: Continuum, 2002.

Fantasy and the cinema. Ed.: Donald, James. London: BFI Pub., 1989.

Fantasy girls: gender in the new universe of science fiction and fantasy television. Ed.: Helford, Elyce Rae. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.

Frank, Alan G.: The science fiction and fantasy film handbook. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1982.

Galbraith, Stuart: Japanese science fiction, fantasy, and horror films: a critical analysis of 103 features released in the United States, 1950-1992. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1994.

Galbraith, Stuart: Monsters are attacking Tokyo!: the incredible world of Japanese fantasyfilms. Venice, CA: Feral House, 1998.

Galipeau, Steven A.: The journey of Luke Skywalker: an analysis of modern myth and symbol. Chicago: Open Court, 2001.

Gordon, Andrew: Star Wars: A Myth for Our Time. In: Eds.: Martin, Joel W. – Ostwalt, Conrad E., Jr.: Screening the Sacred: Religion, Myth, and Ideology in Popular American Film. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. pp. 73-82.

Gordon, Andrew: You'll Never Get Out of Bedford Falls: The Inescapable Family in American Science Fiction and Fantasy Films. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 1992. nyár. pp. 2–9.

Holston, Kim R.: Science fiction, fantasy, and horror film sequels, series, and remakes: an illustrated filmography, with plot synopses and critical commentary. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1997.

Iaccino, James F.: Jungian reflections within the cinema: a psychological analysis ofsci-fi and fantasy archetypes. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998.

Lentz, Harris M.: Science fiction, horror and fantasy film and television credits. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1983.

Norden, Martin F.: America And Its Fantasy Films: 1945-1951. Film & History 1982/1. pp. 1–11.

Senn, Bryan: Fantastic cinema subject guide: a topical index to 2500 horror, sciencefiction, and fantasy films. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1992.

Shadows of the magic lamp: fantasy and science fiction in film. Eds.: Slusser, George – Rabkin, Eric S. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1985.

Sherman, Fraser A.: Cyborgs, Santa Claus, and Satan: science fiction, fantasy, and horrorfilms made for television. Jefferson, N.C.:McFarland, c2000.

Weaver, Tom: Science fiction and fantasy film flashbacks: conversations with 24 actors, writers, producers, and directors from the golden age. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1998.

Weisser, Thomas: Japanese cinema encyclopedia. The horror, fantasy, and scifi films. Miami, Fla.: Vital Books; Asian Cult Cinema Publications, 1997.

Erotikus film, szexfilm, pornófilm


Erotikus film, szexfilm, pornófilm


Alapvetõ irodalom:

Crabbe, Anthony: Egészestés szexfilmek. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. A tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 140–171.

Gelencsér Gábor: A test filmje. (Mûvészet és pornográfia) Filmvilág 2002/6. pp. 25–28.

Király Jenõ: Szexuálesztétika. In: Király: Frivol múzsa II. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 1993. pp. 787–931.

Michelson, Peter: The Aesthetics of Pornography. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.

Porn Studies. Ed.: Linda Williams. Duke University Press, 2004.

Prince, Stephen: Hatalom és fájdalom – Tartalomelemzés és a pornográfia ideológiája. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. A tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 212–234.

Rollin, Roger B.: Az erotikus filmek és közönségük. In: Nagy Zsolt (ed.): Tarantino elõtt 1. A tömegfilm a nyolcvanas években. Budapest: Új Mandátum, 2000. pp. 172–211.

Seesslen, Georg: Erotik. Ästhetik des erotischen Films. Marburg: Schüren Pressverlag, 1996. (FSZEK)

Varró Attila: Russ-modor. (Amerikai szexklasszikusok) Filmvilág 2002/6. pp. 25–28.

Varró Attila: Mese felnõtteknek. (Amerikai pornóklasszikusok) Filmvilág 2005/8. pp. 40–44.

Williams, Linda: Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the Frenzy of the Visible. University of California Press, 1989. [Magyarul részlet: Hatalom, élvezet és perverzió. Kalligram 1998. december. pp. 133–177.]

Williams, Linda: Szex és szenzáció. In: Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (ed.): Oxford Filmenciklopédia. Budapest: Glória, 1998. pp. 508–514.



Ajánlott irodalom magyarul:

Barna György: Magyar pornó. Filmvilág 1995/10. pp. 38–43.

Bikácsy Gergely: Dalol a klitorisz. (Just Jaeckin: Emmanuelle) Filmvilág 1990/2. pp. 47–51.

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Ajánlott irodalom angol nyelven:

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Bűnügyi film


Bûnügyi film

(krimi, thriller, gengszterfilm)


Alapvetõ irodalom:

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Ajánlott irodalom:

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