
Mindenkit részvételre és előadásra biztatunk az EUscreen záró-konferenciáján, idén ősszel, itt helyben. A téma kellően tág, az alábbi leírásból is láthatjátok, hogy rugalmasan értelmezhető. Az eseményre várhatóak a három éves projekt tagországainak képviselői, Európa televíziós adatbázisainak fejlesztői, online archívum specialistái, és persze elméleti emberek, akadémia háttérrel. Minél több hazai prezentációban reménykedünk!


EUscreen Conference: Television Heritage & the Web

EUscreen organises its THIRD AND FINAL CONFERENCE on the topic TELEVISION HERITAGE & THE WEB. The conference takes places at ELTE University in Budapest, on Thursday, September 13, and Friday, September 14, 2012. Attendance is free, but registration is required at: http://euscreen2012.eventbrite.com_

The television landscape is EVOLVING AT TREMENDOUS SPEED. According to Eric Schmidt, former CEO at Google, “the Internet is fundamental to the future of TV”. Most broadcasters are struggling to grasp the pitfalls and potentials of the net. Emerging viewing patterns involve increased interactivity, non-stop availabilty and the evidence of choice.

The current shift suggests NEW WAYS OF LOOKING, where a web-centric view becomes more and more popular. Broadcasters’ resources are being redirected to web based forms of TV and the ‘archive’ increasingly becomes an asset, since it can attract potential users online. The major question for audiovisual archives, educators and researchers these days, is what the current web-based shift implies for television heritage.

The EUscreen project puts more than 30.000 televisual items online in an act to make historical audiovisual content widely accessible. The conference TELEVISION HERITAGE & THE WEB attempts to discuss and analyse the potentials and pitfalls of the current media transition.

The programme of the conference will be published soon. You can sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Twitter or register your
attendance on to stay up to date.

EUscreen is a three-year Best Practice Network project that will provide access to a highly interoperable digitised collection of television material. It is supported by the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA), the European Broadcasting Union, and the Europeana Foundation.
Started in October 2009, the EUscreen project brings together 28 partners from 19 countries. The project is funded by the European Commission under the e-Contentplus Programme. The EUscreen portal can be found at Find the outcomes of the two preceding conferences on

For more information, screenshots or an introductory video on the project, please contact Erwin Verbruggen on +31356771691 or