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Mannheimi nyári egyetem

Crossing Cultures: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language, Literature and Migration

Our Summer School invites students from our partners in the field of humanities as well as students from the University of Mannheim to participate in an interesting academic program.

Instead of spending a whole semester abroad, students are provided with the opportunity to study at the University of Mannheim in Germany and to earn up to 20 ECTS within just 3.5 weeks.
Those students who wish to stay on are welcome, too. The courses are taught in English and one in French. Here you can find further information: www.phil.uni-mannheim.de/english/summerschool or visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerschoolmannheim

We would be very delighted to welcome your students to our Summer School!
Attached please find our flyer, which you can upload on your homepage.

Furthermore, I am also sending you some brief information that can be placed on your Facebook page, on your homepage, in your news section, newsletters etc.
I would appreciate it very much, if you could forward this information to your students.

If you or your students have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much for your help!
Kind regards,

Ana-Sofia Commichau

Text Newsletter/Facebook:

Study in Germany for one month – in August 2015!

Instead of spending a whole semester abroad, you are provided with the opportunity to attend the third International Summer School in the field of humanities which is offered at the University of Mannheim during your summer break. Participate in English and French taught courses and earn up to 20 ECTS within just 3.5 weeks – A great chance to get to know students and professors from all over the world and to travel through Germany and Europe! Find out more about it at www.phil.uni-mannheim.de/english/summerschool or visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerschoolmannheim

Text News

Study in Germany for one month – in August 2015!

Instead of spending a whole semester abroad, you are provided with the opportunity to attend an International Summer School in the field of humanities which is offered at the University of Mannheim during your summer break. Participate in English and French taught courses and earn up to 20 ECTS within just 3.5 weeks! If you wish to stay on, you are welcome, too. Use this great opportunity to get to know students and professors from all over the world and to travel around Germany and Europe!

This year’s topic will be Crossing Cultures: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language, Literature and Migration.

Find out more about this Summer School by visiting our homepage at


You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerschoolmannheim