Thursday, September 13.
download program9.30 Opening and welcome
Key note lectures
9.45 Lynn Spigel (Northwestern University, USA)
TV Snapshots: An Archive of Everyday Life
10.30 Wilfried Runde (Deutsche Welle, DE)
Media Game Changers - Social Media and Data-driven Journalism
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 Eggo Muller (Utrecht University, NL)
Television Heritage Online: From Accessible to Participatory Archives
12.30 Round table (chair: Sonja de Leeuw, Utrecht University, NL)
13.00 Lunch break
EUscreen showcase
14.00 EUscreen achievements (Coordinator and WP leaders)
15.00 VIEUW. The new open access Journal of European Television History and Culture
(Andreas Fickers, Maastricht University, NL and Erwin Verbruggen, Beeld & Geluid)
15.30 EUscreen Virtual Exhibition
16.30 Conclusion of the day (Sonja de Leeuw, Utrecht University, NL)
Friday, September 14.
Workshop on "EUscreen best practice applications showcase. The exploitation of broadcast material in the field of learning, research, leisure/cultural heritage and creative reuse."
9.30 Opening and welcome
Key note lecture
9.45 Jamie Harley (FR)
Rearranging the Past - Found footage videos today
Case studies
10.30 Television History Goes East: TVR's Heritage in EUscreen
Irina Negraru (TVR, RO) and Dana Mustata (Groningen University, NL)
10.50 The portal "20 years of Slovenia" - Gallery of Documents, Stories and Memories
Aleksander Lavrencich and Katja Šturm (TV Slovenja, SI)
11.10 Exploring the past: web experiments at RTBF
Xavier Jacques-Jourion (RTBF, BE)
11.30 Coffee break
11.50 Remote Life, Video Based Artistic Research and Future Scenarios for ICT
Attila Nemes (Kitchen Budapest, HU)
12:30 Panel discussion (chair: Andras Balint Kovacs, ELTE, HU)
13.00 Closing of the Conference (Sonja de Leeuw, Utrecht University, NL)